Cheneys love to write!

Cheneys love to write! Here are three books to consider for fireside reading as the weather turns cold, starting with The Fire Within: Reflections on the literary Imagination. This is just one of many books by the late Alexander Blackburn, who carried a passion for writing throughout his life as an educator, novelist, critic and editor. (Irie Books 2019) Kimberly Cheney recounts his life as a lawyer and Vermont Attorney General in his memoir A Lawyer’s Life to Live. His career of public and private practice of law illustrates a professional dedication to creative innovation for public benefit. (Rootstock Publishing, 2021) And Didi Pershouse nudges us awake with a hopeful view and shows us how to reclaim the rich, “fertile” lives we are meant to live in her richly layered explanation of The Ecology of Care. (Mycelium Books 2016) How are you related? Check out the Cheney Family tree.

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