Donate to the CCA

The Cheney Cemetery Association was endowed by its founders in 1914 to cover expenses for landscaping, maintenance and stone upkeep as well as administrative costs. The operating fund has increased over time through legacy gifts made by family members and favorable markets and now stands at about $2,000,000. Income and expenditures are carefully monitored by the investment committee and the board.

Gifts to the Cheney Cemetery Association, a tax-exempt 501(c)13 organization, are welcomed and help keep the grounds as a healthy, peaceful resting place for our forebears and fund such projects as building the CCA website.

Contact Carol Cheney with questions or send a check made payable to Cheney Cemetery Association with your instructions. Tribute gifts of any size in honor or memory of a special person are acknowledged in writing to the donor and the family of the honoree.

Mailing address for checks:
Cheney Cemetery Association, Inc.
855 Ridge Road
Hamden, CT 06517

Donate via PayPal: