The Cheney Family Fund

In the 1980s it became apparent that the capitalization of the Cheney Cemetery Association had become larger than needed for its primary objective, the maintenance of the Cemetery. The accretion of modest bequests, donations and substantial growth in investments presented an opportunity to use excess funds for appropriate public purposes.

In 1989, the Cheney Cemetery Association directors took action to establish a donor advised fund with The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving and a Donations Committee was formed to consider proposed grants “to promote and encourage historical research and preservation concerning Cheney Brothers, the Town of Manchester and the State of Connecticut.”

The Fund was established to devote to public purposes excess Cemetery principal that would otherwise accumulate indefinitely. The Fund perpetuates Cheney Family influence in Manchester and Connecticut affairs. As a part of The Hartford Foundation, gifts and bequests to the Fund are deductible for tax purposes. The donations committee carefully considers grants to be made each year and makes recommendations to the HFPG for the allocation of the $21,000–26,000 available for gifting.

Contact Carol Cheney if you would like to make a gift to the Cheney Family Fund

Grant totals over the years to the following organizations include:

Cheney Hall Foundation, Inc.  $12,500
Connecticut Explored, Inc.  $1,000
Connecticut Firemen’s Historical Society, Inc.  $8,000
Connecticut Historical Society  $40,000
Hartford Artisans Weaving Center, Inc.  $7,500
Howell Cheney Technical High School  $10,000
Little Theatre of Manchester, Inc.  $10,250
Manchester Community College  $120,500
Manchester Community College Foundation, Inc.  $15,000
Manchester Historical Society, Inc.  $198,500
Manchester Early Learning Center  $2,000
Mary Cheney Public Library  $7,000
Portsmouth Historical Society  $5,000
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church  $3,500
Town of Manchester  $7,000
University of Connecticut Hartford Campus  $5,000
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art  $54,000