Artist Russell Cheney

Artist Russell Cheney (1881-1945) was born in Manchester and painted in Manchester for a time, but traveled widely in the United States and Europe, creating canvases of the local landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and interiors. We can see examples of his work at Manchester’s town hall, the public libraries, and the Historical Society. Russell was the youngest of eleven children born in Manchester to Knight Dexter (K.D.) and Ednah Dow Cheney. His grandfather, Charles Cheney, was one of the Cheney brothers who founded the world-famous silk mills. Russell followed many family traditions, such as graduating from Hartford Public High School and from Yale, but not the tradition of entering the silk business. He wasn’t alone in this, for two great-uncles – John and Seth Cheney – were artists and engravers, and a second cousin – Charles Adams Platt – was an engraver, artist, landscape architect, and later a popular architect of grand homes and institutions, including several in Manchester and Rockville.
Manchester Historical Society

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