106th Members Annual Meeting, September 16, 2022

The Cheney Cemetery Association 106th Members Annual Meeting will take place in person and by Zoom at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford, CT.

Wadsworth Atheneum
Wadsworth Atheneum

Following the proceedings, a box lunch will be served, along with a curated presentation of items in the extensive Cheney Brothers textile collection. We have chosen a Friday to encourage Cheney Family members to make a weekend of it—browse through the Wadsworth galleries, visit the Mark Twain House, see the Cheney collections at the Connecticut Historical Society and take a walking tour of the Cheney Brothers National Historic District and Cheney Cemetery in Manchester (a 15-minute drive).

We hope to see you in person. Make your travel plans now. Please contact us with any questions you may have!

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